Happy Krampusnacht!

According to legend, on the evening of December 5, Krampus would creep out from his lair to punish disobedient children by whipping them with his switch and dragging them to the underworld. I’ve had a love had relationship with Krampus, being one of those tales I’ve been more than aware of for most of my life, this more recent popularity came with a lot of pfaff and made up rubbish about him but I do ask that if you’re in to the character don’t buy what’s on the surface and do some real Krampi research it’s tons of fun.

I’ve made a little Monthly Calendar for ya’ll using this picture, please share and enjoy..

What shall I do for January??

This piece is acrylic on board, I didn’t do much prep for it and it shows, it’s all lob sided and slapped together but I had 3 days which is usually what I take for doing the background, but he’s done and I know where I need to make improvements in the future.

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